Stretch Mark Removal using Plasma Fibroblast

Have you tried creams, oils, lotions and gels, but nothing seems to work better to get rid of your stretch marks? The idea of going under the knife to treat stretch marks is also not showing any significant result. Worry not; as there is a safe, natural and non-invasive stretch mark removal treatment available at Halina The Cupping Clinic to nix your stretch marks forever.

What are Stretch Marks?

Stretch marks are a type of skin scarring that develops when there is a rapid growth in the body (such as during pregnancy, weight gain, weight loss, obesity and rapid muscle growth). They normally occur when the dermis, the middle layer of the skin is stretched too far than it can tolerate causing connective fibers within the skin to tear. This results in the disruption of collagen production which causes stretch marks.

How Plasma Fibroblast can help?

Just because stretch marks are common and painless doesn’t mean you have to live with them. At our cupping therapy clinic, we clearly understand how traumatic stretch marks can be, no matter where they appear on the body. Our multiple-modality approach is what makes us capable of delivering the desired results.

In Plasma Fibroblast Skin Tightening Treatment, a tiny plasma flash is being discharged from the device tip onto the affected area, stimulating new collagen growth and smoothing the scars. This non-surgical stretch mark removal procedure works miracle in reducing fine lines, skin tags, wrinkles, scrapes, skin irregularities and stretch marks. This innovative treatment also enhances the appearance of the skin and gives you the clear, smooth skin you’ve been dreaming of.

Why choose Plasma Fibroblast?

  • Safe and painless,
  • Instant result with zero downtime,
  • Easy and fast procedure,
  • Affordable compared to cosmetic surgeries and more.

An investment in best stretch mark removal treatment results in great, healthy skin. Call us today to book your appointment.

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