Fibromyalgia is a long-term health condition that is characterized by pain and tenderness in the muscles, tendons, joints and other soft tissues. The pain is accompanied by difficulty in concentration, anxiety, fatigue, depression, poor memory, sleep problems, headaches, and musculoskeletal pain.
Fibromyalgia syndrome often begins after an event, such as surgery, sudden stress, giving birth, infection, changes in diet, physical trauma, and hormonal imbalance. In some cases , people may also report bladder or gut problems, tingling, restless leg syndrome, numbness and sensitivity to temperature, lights and noise.
What causes Fibromyalgia?
There are many factors that leads to fibromyalgia.
- Genetics could play a major role in getting this type of problem. For instance, there may be a genetic tendency affecting the normal development of head or back.
- Teenagers who are in sports are more prone to postural disturbance.
- A viral, fungal or bacterial infection can also trigger fibromyalgia, causing breakdown in the normal functioning of sympathetic nervous system. The lymphatic system is responsible for our body’s drainage and is completely under the control of sympathetic nervous system. When this is functioning poorly, toxins may get pumped in wrong direction.
- Trauma to the spine or head may have occurred during early childhood, causing fibromyalgia.
- The head may be traumatised at the time of birth. This occurs more in first-born child. Ventouse or forceps delivery leads to this problem.
What is the difference between fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome?
Both chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and fibrolyalgia syndrome are two similar health disorders that occur due to a disturbance in the lymphatic system of the central nervous system. The main characteristic of fibromyalgia is severe pain in all four quadrants of the body, not just causing minimal discomfort or aching muscles.
Unlike CFS, in fibromyalgia patients, the toxins affect the pain centers in the brain, making the patients more sensitive to any pain stimulus in the body. This clearly shows both CFS and fibromyalgia syndrome arises from disturbed connections between immune system, hormonal system and central autonomic nervous system.
How to treat Fibromyalgia?
Fibromyalgia is a long-term health disorder with a wide range of symptoms and fibromyalgia treatment options. In some cases, patients should concentrate on stress relaxation, exercise, lifestyle changes, relaxation and other medication to improve their function.
Medications, antidepressants, pain relievers and anti-seizure drugs can reduce fibromyalgia syndrome and improve sleep but not for a long time period. Hence, choosing fibromyalgia treatment is a wise choice. There are a variety of fibromyalgia therapies in the market, but cupping therapy can effective reduce the effect of fibromyalgia on your body and your life.
Cupping therapy will help you enhance the physical function, your posture and quality of life and helps you to become more active. This type of fibromyalgia treatment will help patients with long term relief of pain symptoms.
Talking with our expert at Halina Cupping Clinic will help you get relief from fibromyalgia disorder.