Rosacea, a chronic and persistent skin condition that starts making its presence when an individual hit his/her big 30. This skin condition create a huge impact in one’s quality of life as it usually start off with a bit of visible blood...
Learn moreCupping Treatment to remove Dark Circles under Eyes
There is a saying ‘Eyes speak louder than words‘. Shielding such attractive and precious jewels is no easy task, especially when this area is far thinner and more delicate than the rest of the areas in the body. Further, eyes are the...
Learn moreOxygen Jet Peel Treatment – Boost your Hair Growth
Hair is a vital identity of an individual’s desirability, style and personal confidence. The length, texture, thickness and color of your hair create a major impact on your physical appearance. However, hair loss problem can create a source...
Learn moreThe effectiveness of Foot Cupping Therapy. Know more
Alike the roots of a tree, our feet bear our entire body weight. The life of a tree starts from the roots, and similarly the gateway to our good health begins with our feet. How you walk, how you live, and how you feel, all these things depend on...
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