Guidance about How to Manage Body Fitness during Social Isolation

Today, Corona virus, COVID-19 is having a demoralizing effect on the way people live their everyday lives due to its infectious nature. Reducing new cases and trying to control the infection rate is the number one priority of every government. It’s been proved that social isolation is the only way to control the spread of COVID-19. Hence, shutting down schools, colleges, leisure centers and workers being urged to work at home are the strategies being followed by the government.

The prospect of staying at home for a prolonged time period can seem overwhelming and a little scary, for those who enjoys being active and fit and hitting their regular workouts. Rather than letting social isolation scare you, why not, make it an opportunity to get your sweat roll down with a new set of home workouts incorporated with some simple health tips into your daily routine.

Do you love working out at gym? Then time to try yoga. Remember limiting social interaction doesn’t mean simply sitting at home for several hours, ease it with these simple and easy-to-follow healthy lifestyle tips.

Tips to stay Active

There are a plenty of ways to keep ourselves active even when we stay at home.

Here are some tips to address the body’s basic needs and stay motivated:

Try Home Work-out

You know exercise is very good- but do you know the reason? Well, doing physical activity can boost immune system, sleep quality, self-esteem and energy and also it reduces the risk of depression, stress, dementia etc.

Stretch it out for sometime

Stretching is very important, whether you’d rather just a bit of a stretch when you wake up or set aside for about an hour as guided in yoga. These kind of natural health tips helps to maintain flexibility, good blood circulation and avoid joint stiff.

Practice lifting Exercises

The concept of lifting makeshift weights at home can seem to be scary, but it actually doesn’t mean one should lift heavy weights. With this simple health care tips of gently lifting your legs up and down, one can maintain strength and body fitness.

Get your Heart-rate up by taking the Stairs

Walking up and down the stairs is the great home work-out during social isolation as it makes proper blood pumping. For a full body workout, one needs to take up atleast 30 to 45 minutes of going up and down into their daily task.

Work on your breathing

It’s really important to take up breathing exercise regularly. With the natural healthy lifestyle tips of breathe in and breathe out for 10 mins a day, you can calm down your mind and body. If you practice doing this regularly, you can feel good at staying calm even in a stressful situation.


Educate yourself regarding mobility and think about performing it. Such health tips can be simply defined as actions and movements that improve a joint range of motion without stretching of the muscles. Our routine habits could make us carry out the same task/work over and over again- with this comes imbalance and postural adaption.

For example, a computer worker may have a lower back pain which require a routine work out to keep them fit and healthy. Today, there are a lot of mobility drills you can perform without equipment and if required, you can also use tools like foam rollers, massage guns, spiky balls etc to maintain and improve immune deficiency.

I hereby hope this article has provided some food for your thought. Carry on with your regular workouts and fight back COVID-19. Stay Safe and Healthy at your home.

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