Does lower back pain put a damper on any of your passion? Fear not, you’re not alone. Although this health disorder isn’t a life threatening condition, individuals keep on struggling to live with this health condition since lower back and hip pain affects the mood, productivity and ability to enjoy life and also consumes much of our energy. Furthermore, this health disorder stops people from doing their favorite things: long outdoor walks, playing fun games with their kids, their favorite sports and more.
Feeling the ache? Understanding Lower Back Pain problem
Lower back pain can affect our regular life and limit our movements. Activities like obesity, strain from coughing, heavy lifting, extreme tallness, highly physical jobs, and prolonged sitting in an awkward position can often result in lower back and hip pain. Whether this problem is due to sedentary lifestyle, poor posture or an injury, finding relief is very crucial. Glute muscles and tight hamstrings are 2 culprits that cause trouble to your lower back. This article dives deep into cupping therapy as it is designed to combat lower back pain issues when standing or running.
How Cupping Therapy is the Best Remedy for Lower Back Pain?
Cupping therapy, a practice in Chinese and Middle Eastern medicine is used to address severe back pain issues including upper back pain problem after sleeping, back strain from coughing and more. This therapy is practiced by applying round suction cups on sore parts of the body. This lower back pain treatment allows to stimulate the nervous system, provide relief, break up the muscle knots and potentially decrease the pain signals. For instance, coughing repeatedly can strain the back muscles. Our lower back pain treatment helps to increase the blood circulation to the affected area, decreasing muscle tightness and promoting healing. Along with this, this treatment also draws out inflammatory fluids that contribute to discomfort and pain.
Not everyone suffer from high pain threshold, so some people suffering from mild lower back pain decide to try a relaxing treatment like cupping. The relaxing effect of this therapy aims to release body tension and also improves back pain symptoms. Cupping therapy is definitely the popular option for lower back and hip pain as it completely target pain-related tissues, joints, ligaments and relaxes tendons and soft tissues. This age-old practice is very effective for severe back pain since it avoids drug usage, needles, injections and medications. Further, it enhances the muscle mobility, and flow of energy, blood and fluids in those affected areas. Therefore, it is proven that cupping therapy’s beneficial effect is long-lasting.
Are you looking for a specialist for your upper & lower back pain problem? Look no further! At Halina cupping clinic, our professional therapist extends beyond relaxation treatment. In the recent years, we have gained reputation and have become a renowned clinic. Our expert’s help each and every patient to find relief from all sort of lower back and hip pains and health problems.
In our practice, we found that most people who have upper and lower back pain problem for years tend to think that this health issue is something that they need to live with. But this hasn’t to be like that anymore since our therapists can help everyone to regain the mobility they deserve. Also, our expert’s tailor lower back pain treatment plan of your requirements, along with providing effective self-management tips. We hope you now have a better idea of what cupping therapy is and how it helps you to find lower back pain relief.