How Cupping Therapy help to improve Fertility?

Having children is a major life-changing moment and can bring a bundle of joy and happiness. However, nearly 1 in 7 couples have trouble conceiving even after frequent, unprotected intercourse for a year or longer. In medical terms, infertility is defined as the inability of a woman to conceive within 12 months.

What are its causes?

Getting pregnant is complex as many things should go right for both men and women. Therefore, there are many causes of infertility that make it difficult to conceive.

Infertility in men is due to:

  • Unhealthy sperm: This includes the quality of the sperm and how quickly they move.
  • Bacterial infection: It is an infection inside the man’s testicles and can also be a sexually transmitted infection.
  • Retrograde ejaculation: This means a man’s sperm enters the bladder rather than outside the penis.
  • Smoking and sexual dysfunction are the major infertility symptoms in men. This problem is nothing but ejaculating too soon or not at all.
  • A varicocele: This is an enlargement of the veins inside the saggy skin that surrounds the testicles and causes low sperm count.
  • Overheating the testicles: This can occur by wearing tight underwear or pants.

Infertility in women includes:

  • Problems with ovulation: This is the process by which the egg leaves the ovary and travels to meet the sperm. In some cases, women don’t ovulate every month,
  • Diabetes, pelvic inflammatory disease, endometriosis, cancer, lupus, celiac disease, and autoimmune diseases are few types of infertility issues,
  • Smoking and delayed puberty,
  • Being underweight or overweight. This means, too much or too little exercise can affect the chances of conceiving,
  • Problems with the reproductive system like cervix, ovaries, fallopian tubes, or uterus are the major female infertility causes. This might include growth, an abnormal opening of the cervix, a blockage, scarring, or enlarged ovaries,
  • Early-onset menopause. This would happen before the age of 40 due to cancer treatment, genetic syndrome, or an immune system disease.

Cupping is the best infertility treatment:

Infertility treatment can be a long and anxious journey but success rates are increasing and procedures are safer than ever before. This is where cupping comes in and helps by reducing the problems in the reproductive system for both genders.

Benefits of cupping therapy for fertility:

Cupping therapy can be an effective procedure for treating infertility. In women, it is beneficial for several health problems like muscle tension, stress, hormonal imbalance, cellulite, depression, polycystic ovarian syndrome, endometriosis, congestion, and menstruation irregularities. As explained above, cupping can heal issues in the reproductive systems that can be the major causes of infertility.

Here are some of the possible effects of cupping treatment on female infertility.

  • Heals the imbalance of the thyroid glands,
  • Regulate menstruation,
  • Remove defects in the luteal phase,
  • Induces ovulation, and helps a woman who doesn’t ovulate or have anovulatory cycles,
  • Eliminate blockages and inflammation in the fallopian tubes,
  • Break up knotted muscles, which is often ideal for fertility complications associated endometriosis. This means, cupping treatment help to break up tissue and allow fresh blood either to or from the womb,
  • Alleviate endometriosis where the lining of the uterus forms outside of it,
  • Regulate hormone imbalance when it causes the formation of cysts in the ovaries, also known as PCOS,
  • Increases the probability of IVF success and reduces the side effect of the medications taken during this infertility treatment,
  • Stimulates the formation of follicles in the ovaries,
  • Reduces the possibility of miscarriage,
  • Enhances the immunity level of the prospective mother,
  • Increases blood flow to the uterus.

Cupping can also be beneficial in helping male infertility. Here is how:

  • Increases the sperm quality,
  • Heals infections in the genital tract,
  • Helps with erectile dysfunction,
  • Removes inflammation of the veins in the scrotum,
  • Helps with prostate problems and many.

Today, both men and women are increasingly facing fertility-related problems, but the solution is just a cup away. As you can see, recent studies verify that male and female infertility problems can be reduced greatly with cupping therapy. It addresses both overall health and fertility enhancement simultaneously. If you are suffering from this problem, try cupping therapy, the best infertility treatment and sustain a healthy pregnancy.

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