Cupping Therapy for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: How it can help?

Is carpal tunnel syndrome controlling your life, making your day a struggle? Carpal tunnel is a disorder that can cause numbness, tingling and pain in the arm and hand. It is caused by the pressure on the median nerve, that is running from the shoulder to hand. Many people find carpal tunnel relief through surgery, but there are also non-surgical carpal tunnel syndrome therapies that can cure this disease. One of the best procedures is cupping therapy.

How does Carpal Tunnel occur?

Carpal tunnel is a common wrist condition that occurs when one of the major nerves in the hand is compressed or squeezed, causing damage or irritation. In most cases, carpal tunnel syndrome gets worse if it is not treated for a long time, leading to permanent dysfunction of the hand including weakness and loss of sensation in the fingers. For this reason, it is crucial to diagnose and treat this disorder properly.

Carpal tunnel syndrome can affect anyone, but some are more likely to get affected including:

  • Pregnant women,
  • Obesity, hypothyroidism, rheumatoid arthritis, amyloidosis, gout,
  • Diabetic patients,
  • People who regularly handle power tools like jackhammers, drills etc,
  • People whose biological relatives have suffered from carpal tunnel syndrome,
  • Adults above 40 years of age,
  • People who do repetitive motions with their wrists and hand.

How can Cupping Treatment help?

There are many types of cupping, but the most common type of cupping are:

  • Static cupping, where cups are placed on the skin and left unmoved for a time period. This carpal tunnel syndrome treatment is used to release deep muscle tension.
  • Second type is gliding cupping, in which cups are moved around the skin. This therapy helps to reduce inflammation and enhance blood circulation.

The two types of carpal tunnel treatments can help to relieve pressure on the median nerve, reduce inflammation, improve blood flow and decrease pain associated with carpal tunnel syndrome. This treatment is best for you and meets all your needs promptly. Get in touch with our team at Halina Cupping Clinic now.

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